Wednesday, September 21, 2005


This is my favorite illustration of an original character named Japhath. He was born out of a sketch while I was trying to show a coworker how to draw. It happened very quickly and I have come to love his character a lot, though he is one of the hardest characters to recreate. His eyes are empty and his face is stoic. He has a Batman feel without the mask and a Star Wars jumpsuit (Luke's Bespin outfit). Good content for a sci-fi epic. Why is he so cautious? What is he facing in front of him? Something brooding I hope.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

as always, your artistry is awesome.

i got the picture casey sent me of ethan... what a beautiful boy!

i guess it would do no good to say hurry and come up and see me in MI, because i know it's not going to happen anytime soon, but nevertheless, here goes...
d-roc, come and see me! let's do a guys weekend. casey has more than enough people to help her out for a couple of days!