Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hinds Feet

I kept hearing the word "expect" last week as I thought about going to "Desperate". For those of you who don't know, Desperate is a time of refreshing and renewal in the Lord as molds are broken and tradition is not the norm. Sometimes there is music and sometimes there is just prayer. It changes as the spirit moves and I want to thank our Associate Pastor for discerning where the service would go. He just let the Lord move and it was amazing.

God met us and took us to a time of blessing, admonishment, release, and equipping.

I was taken to a few new places I have never experienced before, such as getting a vision. Recently, I was struggling with being quiet before God and learning to discern his voice. As we sat quietly, I was able to see a vision and as others started to share about their prayers or scripture or other visions, my heart started to beat out of my chest. I then shared my vision and it was a blessing to someone.

Later, Aaron, Kelly, Shawna, and I were praying with someone and Aaron said, "Seal it! You're a sealer." I was dumbfounded at first and had to ask for direction as I had never prayed to seal what was being prayed. Aaron and Kelly helped me and I was having trouble speaking. I started to ask God for help and the prayer just started to flow out of me. It was a great experience.

On Sunday, I had a feeling I was going to pray with someone at the end of the service. I knew from the time the person walked in the sanctuary. I waited, though, and second guessed because I am still learning, but finally went up front and prayed with them.

God really met me this weekend. He took me to new places and I followed Him. He gave me Hinds feet.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The One True King!

I haven't blogged lately because I haven't felt like I needed to. I didn't have peace about writing anyting and everything that's happened since New Years Eve. So I have just been sitting on things and waiting.

Well, one thing I want to share is this:

The Lord is my shepard.

He gently calls me back to the flock when I have escaped among the cliffs and can't find my way back. He celebrates when I return because it makes Him happy that I was found.

Read Mathew 18:10-14 The parable of the lost sheep.

I also want to share that I love my family. I long for them to know the one true king!

I saw "The Chronicles of Narnia" on Friday and wept through most of the film. Mostly because the creatures of narnia worshipped and bowed for Aslan the lion. He is the one true king of Narnia and everyone knows it. Including the witch.

When Edmund is brought back to Aslan's camp, Aslan tells everyone that nobody needs to talk with him about the past. The past no longer matters. Edmund is forgiven. He is so forgiven that Aslan takes his place to be killed by the witch.

No other king would do this for his people!

The sacrifice is incomplete without the resurrection. Aslan returns to life to devour the witch and thus defeats death and breathes life into those who were perishing.

Jesus is, was, and always will be the One True King!

On Friday, I sat in the car, waiting on residents to fill out applications. I was reading Mathew 18:10-14 and it really hit me hard. It was a simple truth that wasn't so simple to get. Later, I watched Narnia and my joy was complete.

My nieces asked me why I would admit to crying during the movie. My friends told them because it was something a man is able to do. I told them because it was so powerful to see Jesus and everyone bowing to Him. I don't care if they saw it as weakness to cry. I think the weakness needed to be shown, so they know the depth of what Jesus has to offer. He is not someone they have just heard about or seen in movies. He is their King. And righlty so, because He loves them and died for them.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

One For The Record Books

My wife and I purchased a dishwasher last week with some Christmas money.

I started to hook it up and ran into a few problems like everyone does. I didn't have a connector hose or a clamp for the drain, so I took off to the store on Monday morning.

I got home in record time and finished the job, or so I thought. I had connected the electric, but the wires were in a bad position because they wrapped around the leg of the dishwasher. This wouldn't let me pull the dishwasher out to service it.

So I reconnected the electric and was trying to get the ground wire back on the green screw when I sliced my little finger on my right hand. I then used the same hand to support my weight as I tried to screw down the wire.

My hand slipped in something, so I looked. It was blood.

At first I thought my son had cut himself, but then realized I was cut on my finger.

I told my wife and she came over and doctored me up. She then moved me to a chair and she continued to put a band-aid on my finger. At this time the thought of the blood got to my head and I started getting this big empty feeling in my throat down to my stomach.

She said, "Get down on the floor and put your head between your knees." I didn't listen, of course. I started moving my head forward to put between my knees. Meanwhile, my wife was cleaning up the blood on the floor.

The next thing I remember was my wife saying my name and telling me I had passed out and hit my head on the floor. She said I moved my head down and I just fell to the floor like dead weight. My body hit the floor prostrate and the fell flat to the floor. It scared my son and he came running to see what happened. He was also yelling my name and trying to get me to wake up. My wife said I was out for 30 seconds.

I was not feeling right the rest of the day. It was definitely one for the record books. I have never passed out before this episode. I usually black out. My ears ring and then things get spotty and I black out with some hearing still intact. This time I don't remember losing consciousness.

If you saw the cut on my finger, you would know that this was a minor cut. Nothing more than a flesh wound. It's not like I lost a limb. Even though my head would disagree.