Friday, September 16, 2005

Ramath Lehi (Jawbone Hill)

Above is an illustration of an inspiring battle that took place when Samson was handed over to the Philistines by his own people. I drew this because it reminds me that the Lord gives me strength and I don't have to fight my battles alone. I also submitted this to a comic book company. A year later, they made a comic book called "Samson, Judge of Isreal". He even wore an egyptian skirt. It was much better than what I could do, but this is my best work to date.


Faithful Joy said...

DEREK! I have never once seen any of your work. Ok, your CD cover for Blood of the Mighty. But certainly nothing like this. Derek, it's AMAZING. I know I'm not an art expert or anything, but I do have a major creative side! ;) You have the gift, my friend.

Anonymous said...
