Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Burning: Part 4 of The Drummer's Almanac

It's pretty often that the gears in my head start spinning about the latest inspiration and I find myself heading straight into a euphoric state of frustration. It is my anatomy as a person who likes to put pencil to paper, and sticks to skin. I tend to overthink what I want to accomplish and it ends up being far less then I hoped. I feel a burning inside of me that needs to escape through some type of creative expression. The burning usually comes unexpected and inconveniently. I have pushed through the frustration before and I have completed what I started, but most of the time it's not the case.

As I sit at the throne of my drum kit the inspiration comes natural and it flows out smoothly. I sometimes don't even think about what I'm going to play, but just play to see where I can go.

Explore the universe. A natural progression. Groove.

My other forms of expression do not come as easily. Painstakingly to say the least. If I can stoke the fire, I will, but it sometimes leads me to the end of inspiration.


Aaron said...

"I tend to overthink what I want to accomplish and it ends up being far less then I hoped. "

d-roc, if i were to choose a side to "err" on, it would be to hope for more musically and have less, than to have no hope and prove it by the sound coming through the radio.

rest assured, your art is ALWAYS inspired-sounding.

Aaron said...
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