Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wasted Years?

Iron Maiden just made national news while touring with Ozzfest this week. It seems Bruce Dickason isn't getting along with Sharon Osbourn, so she had eggs thrown at them as they opened their set. I can't imagine doing something like that in front of thousands of people.
I remember my first rock concert. My mom took my friend Rich and me to see Iron Maiden and Megadeth at the Columbus Convention Center in 1988. It was a great show. The stage was elaborate and theatrical. It was a great experience. Rich, his brother Donovan, and I used to play Maiden songs and they were what we cut our teeth on in the early days. Songs like "The Trooper", "Run to the Hills", "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", and "Wasted Years" were a few of our favorites. Donovan and I still get a kick out of listening to them. They were fun, they were British, and they rock!! I love to see that they are still going strong after almost thirty years. Can't say that about many bands these days. I look back on those days and praise God that I listened to music that pushed my abilities and made me think. They were our heroes and we wanted to be just like 'em. Spandex and all!!!!!!!!!!


Faithful Joy said...

You should never use the word SPANDEX -- it gives me the heebie jeebies! :)

Stephanie said...

oh dave mustaine...

i *loved* him when i was in high school!

Aaron said...

D-Roc, you are amazing.

I wish you were going to Cedar Point with Dave and I...

Love you man!
