Monday, August 08, 2005

2! Ah, Ah, Ah........

Today marks my first son, Caden's, second birthday. We celebrated his birthday on Sunday with a party. He was very happy about his new toys. His favorite was a little acoustic guitar. He loved it so much he wanted to sleep with it. Elmo was the theme and he got his share of elmo paraphanalia from super balls to outfits. Caden was watching Sesame Street a couple of weeks ago and The Count came on the show. The number of the day was "2" and when he said, "2! Ah, ah, ah..." Caden mocked him. Now his favorite thing to say when we ask, "How old is Caden?" is, "2! ah, ah, ah..."


Faithful Joy said...

The cuteness is overwhelming!

Aaron said...

hard to believe that the sunshine band is TWO!

wish i could have been there...