Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Destroying The Dark Side?!?!

I had a great drive into work this morning worshipping God. It truly was a blessing as I listened to Dwayne Roberts' "Apostolic Prayers 2". As usual, after worship I space out and start thinking of the really important questions I need to answer. Like, what if magic was destroyed in the fantasy realms? What would take it's place? Would there be gods or just heroes? Would the heroes mutate? Or would technology be the new source of power. If there's a Magic Age, then what age comes next? I wonder if Tolkien ever thought of that. Well, I have, but I don't have an answer yet. I recently read that Lucas is wanting to destroy the Dark Side of the Force in the next trilogy. I think if Lucas does that, he's the Phat Hutt everyone thinks he is trying to make another buck. Meanwhile, he will lose the essence of Star Wars. I didn't get my idea from him, but if I destroyed magic in a fantasy story, would I be losing the essence of fantasy?

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