Friday, November 18, 2005

Superman Vs. Spider-Man

I am a Superman fan!!! I love everything.... er well....not everything, but I do love most things about his mythos. I am very excited about the new movie coming out and the official trailer is now up for our viewing pleasure. Click here to see it!

I had an interesting argument with a friend about how Superman is not realistic and does not relate to humanity because he can't be beaten and is too powerful. He argued that Spider-Man was his favorite because he is the everyman superhero.

I argued, because it's fun, that although Spider-Man is the average guy getting superpowers and down on his luck, Superman is who every superhero is measured. He is the be-all, end-all in the comic world!

This is not to say he doesn't have weakness. He is the weakest when it comes to matters of the heart and this is his connection to humanity. He loves deeply and fights to save a world that desperately needs love. He has integrity and is not deterred by political agenda nor does he obscure the lines of justice. He is moved by humanity and connects to them with love and faithfulness. He is always there when you need him.

I could also go into how he parallels Jesus, but that would take too long. I just love how you can take the most powerful character and make him vulnerable by having him love and receive love.
We have become so used to our heroes being vulnerable and giving in to their weakness, that when we see someone with integrity, we don't think they are realistic. It's refreshing to watch the first two Superman movies just to see how pure Clark Kent is and how Superman is immovable in his spirit.
I still love spider-Man, don't get me wrong.

I just wanna see more Superman!!!!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

i watched the trailer...


they even used john williams original score!

the question remains, michigan or ohio? which state will we see it?
