Friday, December 23, 2005

Everything You Desire

I know it seemed like I hate Atheists in my last rant, but really that is just not the truth.

I feel the need to say that I just don't agree with their beliefs. I don't agree that life is over when we die. I don't agree that life is an accident.

This doesn't mean that I'm intolerant or that I'm insensitive because I'm not open minded enough to accept their beliefs. It just means that I don't agree.

I want them to see that there is hope and that life extends beyond their physical viewpoint of existence. I want them to know that God's love is greater than anything they have known or will ever know in this life. I want them to know that they don't have to throw away God because someone forced them to be religious or didn't live up to the standards they set.

I also don't want to force this view on them. Like God, I want them to experience the true God. The God of grace and love. He is too big to just look at on paper or hear about. You must experience His touch to know that He is everything you desire.

1 comment:

Faithful Joy said...

It's a tough balance between loving the people and not their view, isn't it? I have often thought how unbalanced the world is, where it's only Christians who are being "intolerant" for standing up for what they believe. No inconsistency whatsoever. But it will only get worse. The enemy of Truth will not let up until Jesus comes and says THAT'S ENOUGH!