Thursday, December 22, 2005

Atheist Christmas Music

Whut!?! Shut yo mouph foo !!! Gooolaay!

Our friend Christy came over to our house to show off her new engagement ring. She started talking about how Christmas at the daycare was being portrayed to the kids and that only one parent objected to the story of the candy cane being handed out to the kids.

One of her co-workers at the day care is an atheist. This is only an issue because this woman is very adamant about her faith or lack there of. The daycare was listening to traditional Christmas music when this woman told our friend Christy that she wanted to listen to her Atheist Christmas Music.


That so sounds like an SNL skit if I ever heard one. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

I just have to ask what the holiday is about if not about any Gods. Kwanza, Channukah, and Christmas all involve a God.

What are her holidays about?

I was watching a show with Bawbwa Waltews called "Is there A Heaven?" She went all over the world getting interviews with the likes of the Dali Lama and other religious leaders. All of them told her she was not living the right lifestyle and she was going to hell because she didn't believe what they believed. Kind of funny.

She spoke to the leader of the Atheists about life after death. The woman was condemming anything to do with the subject. Barbera asked her how she feels about it all ending after life is over. The woman said, "I'm not happy about it, but I accept that life is over when we die." It was sad! She also said she had to make her life as great as it could be while she was here.

I ask, Why???!!!??? If it doesn't matter in the end, why try? Nobody will measure it in the end. You will be forgotten among men.

She then said, "If you say there is a Heaven, then you must prove it.

Faith was not an option.

Faith was left up to scientific fact that some people are prone to being more faithful than others because of their genetic structure.

So much for mustard seed faith.

I guess I might as well give up growing my faith because my genes can only handle so much. God must only be close to those who have bigger faith genes than others. This explains why I don't feel close to God sometimes.

Well, I guess I'll just put in my Atheist Christmas Music and drive on down the road to the end of my life with no hope and nothing to gain, but death.

Merry Chri..........

Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!! Hope your life sucks too!


Faithful Joy said...

Rant on, my friend. It's all so sad, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Atheist Cristmas Music???? If it's Atheist then why did she say Cristmas in her sentence??? WHY MUST WE SAY MERRY X-MAS INSTEAD OF CRISTMAS??? OR HAPPY HOLADYS INSTEAD OF MERRY CRISTMAS???? IT HAS "CRIST" IN IT, SO WHAT???????? I guess I'm just going to sit here and cry..............

Anonymous said...

I don't see whats so funny about Atheist Christmas music...

If somebody grew up with Christmas but without god they might want this kind of music.