Thursday, December 08, 2005

Dashboard Confessional

A car was coming over the hill as I pulled out and tried to get to speed limit before they got too close. I was too slow because he started riding my bumper and I couldn't see his headlights. This infuriated me and I tappped the brakes. He backed off for a moment and then sped up on my bumper again as he passed me. He then just passed me and went on his way.

As he passed me, I gestured, "bring it on", like some stupid oaf that don't know any better.

After he gets about a quarter mile down the road, conviction set in and I found myself thanking him. The guy just passed me. He didn't really do anything, but make me nervous when he got too close.

I thanked him for not responding to me, which let me know how ridiculous I was being. I also prayed that the Lord would bless him. I don't like to hate on people, but I find myself getting frustrated in the car a lot!

Lord, help me to extend grace to others as I wish they would extend to me. Thank You for giving me awareness of this problem and showing me Your grace.


Faithful Joy said...

Hey, clever title. Do you like D.C.'s music? I do.

Ahhh road rage...probably the second biggest tripping spot for Christian men. The first, of course, being competitive sports. Christian sports leagues should probably NEVER be allowed, especially when used as outreach!!

I get angry while driving too. I will pray for more grace for both of us! By the way, the Lord loves the intention of your heart right now. He will honor your pursuit of His holiness.

You are loved!

Less than 48 hours to NARNIA!!!!!

d-roc said...

I haven't heard anything from them, but i like their name.

I will have to differ on the first biggest tripping spot. I think it's women, but I'm not a sports fan.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Love ya!

Scott Donnelly said...

Still working on that one... We should also pray for less stupid people on the road... Oops... Like I said still working on that one.

Faithful Joy said...

Ahhh, yes, women. Men struggle with lust issues, women struggle with competition issues...the opposite sex will probably have to made number one on the list. You're right.