Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A God Idea?

I met my pastor, Steve, for lunch today at Fiesta Grande to just talk and spend time together. We have done this before and I always enjoy his company. He has become someone I really look up to, not because he's my pastor, but because he always has good solid, godly wisdom to share and encourages me to look in the right direction.

As we sat down, we talked about how this month is filling up fast with events and committments. And for some reason I just can't say, "no!" to people.

I am thankful that, as a drummer, I am being sought out for various gigs. I know God has blessed that gift immensely. But at what expense am I getting to use it. I am over doing it by saying, "sure, I'll be there." or "I'll do that." I am sacrificing a lot of home time with my family to be able to play music.

Steve said, "There are good ideas and God ideas. Not every good idea is a God idea."

I could only nod in agreement because I know it's the truth.

As some people know, Casey and I are struggling with money issues, lately. We have been relying on God and trusting that he will provide. He has in unforseen ways. But we are still hit in the mouth and need assistance. I asked Steve if we should ask for help or just let God provide. He said we should definitely ask God to make it clear on what to do.

See, the problem is not a pride issue with asking for help. It's about trying to let God have the opportunity to show His power or stepping on that and doing it ourselves or following His lead and asking for help from someone who can provide because He said.

This afternoon, God made it clear by showing us our bills are due tomorrow and we need money. So we asked for it. Even though I have pride issues about asking, I overcame and asked for what I needed.

God's ideas are definitiely good!

1 comment:

Scott Donnelly said...

I'm proud of you... it sucks to ask for help. I know that God intended us to rely on one another. I know that the early church made sure everyone had what they needed... we need to get back to that. I hope we start to see what that was like...