Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Wanna Rock!!!

I know a lot of you out there have seen the old Twisted Sister videos on MTV. The one where the man asks his son,"What are you gonna do with the rest of your life? The kid answers with, "I wanna rock!!!!", and the song kicks in and the video is stupid.

I totally identify with that kid right now. I have been in band limbo for about three years and the itch to commit to a band is pretty strong. I know I kick @$# on my instrument, but really, it's about gratification. I want to play, man.

When I say I want to play, I mean i want to play music I love and have fun doing it. I want to kick out the Killers' "Smile Like You Mean It" and then go into Journey's "Lights". I don't want to be labeled as a Christian band, but just as a band. I want to play at all kinds of events and not just cater to the Christian public.

Casey and I were talking and we both feel like we want to play music we are excited to hear. We want to rock!!!

Don't gasp too loud, but we don't even like most of the "Christian" music out right now.

Does this mean I'm some kind of music snob? Yeah, it does. I like what I like. I don't need to like it because they mention Jesus. I'm getting tired of the Christian community only catering to other christians. We are really good at that! We are safe in that!

Casey and I want to be in a rock band that just happens to be Christians. There doesn't need to be a sign in front of our name saying we are Christian. Hopefully we will portray that through our actions and when someone talks with us.

My dad never wanted my old band to come to the Moose because we were a "Christian" band. He didn't want to be embarassed and or preached to. But I guarantee if we meet him at his level and just play good music and be a good rock band, he will want us to play there.

I want to meet people where they are at that moment. I can't do that by excluding them. I want them to rock with me.

1 comment:

Faithful Joy said...

Rock Awn, young Derek-san, Rock AWN!