Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Some things that gave me hope.....

I just read chapter five in Rob Bell's book Velvet Elvis. It is inspiring and motivational. I had a gush of hope swell up inside of me when he talked about the "old man" having to die. I must believe that the new me is there and I can already be that person. I don't need to wait on some miracle because Jesus already took care of it for me.

He believes in me more than I believe in myself. He sees my potential.

Let me remind you that I have heard this in my head. I'm not yet sure if I have ears to hear this in my heart.

I do know God spoke this to me as I was reading this chapter. It was uplifting and I want more.

We found where we can gain more money in our pocket through changing how much we claim on our taxes. This was confirmed by family, friends, and from our Financial Peace University group.

We have significantly less to pay on our van than we thought. We will pay this debt off at the beginning of next year. (freedom, ALTHOUGH SMALL)

Our friends have helped us out by giving us much needed food and clothing.

Our friends are going to give us more by helping us paint our house. This is not a need, but just a want.

Jesus takes care of me even when I do nothing.....

1 comment:

Casey said...

You do plenty.