Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A gig, a wedding, a rant

Well, my gig went very well. I played smoothly and the rust seemed to shake off pretty easily. I had a few rough spots, but the band was very good with letting it go and having a good time. I really enjoy that band because we have a good time and the music is still challenging enough to push me. It seemed like I never left the band and it makes me miss those days. Thank you, to Scot and Cheryl for coming out to support me. I'm sorry we didn't get to visit very long.

I have some congrats to two of my friends: 1. The Scotzman with his new baby niece.
2. Faithful joy for getting that promotion.
Love you guys.

I was involved in the wedding of two of our friends this past weekend. I video taped while my wife was a bridesmaid. It was a really short ceremony, even though there were three songs sung by their family. The reception was laid back and we stayed for the whole thing. We really felt it on Sunday when church came up and I had worship team and Casey stayed home with the boys.

Lately, I'm missing my friends.

I miss just hanging out and having dinner and laughing hysterically. I need it.

I also need to rant!!!

Immigration has become something I am very concerned about. I have heard both sides' views and can understand , but I also think we are losing our country when we let our culture be destroyed because we let our americana values be a thin veil painted on by our nieve understanding of history. We want to hang onto the way things used to be. Too bad they aren't the way they used to be. Mom, baseball, and apple pie. Chip away ... chip away...

Two immigrants from europe came to America in the early 1900's. The came here because they wanted something better for themselves. They found a land of dreams and opportunity. They became legends. Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster created the greatest superhero ever known. He is called Superman. He was an alien who upheld "Truth, Justice, and (dare I say it?)The American Way"!!!! He championed, honored, and upheld his country because it took him in and gave him a new life.

How do you bite the hand that feeds?

When in america..... don't do as the americans do... do as you want the americans to do.
They'll catch up.......eventually.

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