Monday, March 20, 2006

Healing For The Next Battle

Ready for the fight? .....yeah....
I feel like my walk with God has been more of an uphill struggle with little footing. My legs are getting numb. A lot of the reason is that I don't believe in myself. My confidence is shorter than my stride. I've been continuously fighting myself because I let myself believe that I'm not good enough.

I'm getting tired of the fight!

I know God has shown me more than I can grasp, but I forget or lose faith. I let myself slip back to the same old places and let go of the new ground I just took. I don't plant my flag and raise the banner. I do keep striving and that has kept me in the game.

I've been here too many times and I know that I have let it happen. It makes me think I love to feel this way. I like to feel miserable and sorry for myself.

The good news is that I have heard from others that they see a leader in me. It's not that I need affirmation from them to make myself feel better, but I needed to hear someone elses perspective to know that it's there. God used them to let me hear it.

It helped me heal for the next battle.


Scott Donnelly said...

Dude... I am right there with you. It is a struggle. Cheryl has this written on the refrigerator...

"If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth it."

There is something that neither of us could ever imagine at the top of that uphill climb. That is what we are struggling for... God is good.

d-roc said...

Thanks, dude. I needed to hear that.

beautiful_mistake said...

yo d-roc

d-roc said...

Hey wus hapning?