Friday, October 21, 2005

Promised Land

Home group was interesting last night. We have been trying to make home group a priority every week and so far has worked out nicely.

We read the end of Exodus where Moses is approving the Ephod and the contents of the Tent of Meeting. The detail they crafted into each piece is amazing and a symbol of their devotion to God and His craftsmanship in creating us. It also symbolized how His folowers would be coming together and worshipping Him until eternity as they set forth to the promised land.

We have been practicing being quiet before the Lord and discerning His voice or direction. One woman shared what God had shared with her in that time. She said she saw people using their gifts and being bold and they weren't in Heaven, but on Earth. Another woman shared that she saw a picture of something stretching out like a hand in a balloon. She said it looked like a baby in womb pushing on the walls of the placenta. I was having trouble clearing my mind, but each of those visions made perfect sense to me.

When I looked at the big picture I could see all of us pushing into new things with God. From our new home group to our time in ministry to recognizing new giftings in each of us. Then, looking at Moses and the tribes of Israel, it was clear that they were also moving into new rituals and a new relationship with the Lord. Aaron was going to be given the first Ephod and his sons would be named priests. Moses was the judge and false Gods were crumbling. God was inviting them to move with faith in Him.

It was exciting to see the group move to new territory and step in faith.

Praise Your name, Lord.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

how exciting!

keep pressing on! the fullness is coming your way!

derek, you are such an amazing man of God. i thank God for your desire to know him more, it's refreshing and one of the many reasons i call you brother.