Sunday, July 08, 2007

Is Gore Sidious... I mean serious!?!

I saw a newscast last night about Live Earth and all of the rock acts trying to make a difference in the world. Something new to sell, I guess. And they think Christians are trying to sell something!?!

I think I saw the anti-christ(Revelation 13:15) when Al Gore appreared in holographic form to speak to Tokyo, Japan. All I could see was Emperor Palpatine(Darth Sidiuous).

I'm not the only one who thought this as you will see, if you follow this link.

I could definitely see Star Wars flashing through my head as hologram technology beams worldwide. I'm excited and horrified all at the same time.

But, Mr. Gore, if you can't help your son live a life where he doesn't feel the need to get high or drunk and stay out of jail, or get in a car and drive under the influence, then why are you spending so much time worrying about the future of the world? Your time is now with your son. You won't get another chance to help him. The boy obviously needs more attention from his parents. Not his dad going on some crusade to save the world. Wasn't Tipper the one who fought to get Explicit Lyrics posted on CD's? Where's the moral compass? Oh yeah, playing Star Wars in Tokyo!

I agree with Chris Rock: "I hope Live Earth helps the world as much as Farm Aid helped end world hunger."

This is Al Gore announcing his Presidential bid!!!

But who is that standing behind him?

"Always two there are!"

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