As Iron Sharpens Iron.......
I went to Der Dutchman with Steve, Doug, and Scott this morning. We had a really good time. It was fun and relaxing. Scott picked up my check (thanks dude) and made me feel bad, but that's okay. I have to get over my pride somehow!
We had good conversation that came very comfortably as we stuffed our faces. And Scott found out what fried mush tastes like and why we tell everybody to get a Long-John.
Afterward, we followed Steve to his father-in-law's house out in the boonies. He had to climb a windmill tower because his father-in-law is afraid of heights. The house was an awesome log cabin style close to The Big Darby Creek (pronounced "crick"). I skipped rocks and tried to help Steve get a water pump working. It didn't, so we waited for Steve to pull it up the hill. Not a good thing, but he made it just as we had to leave.
On the way home I shared where some of my had lived or owned businesses with Scott and Doug. Scott said I had a story for every little town we went through. I laughed , but as I thought about it, I do have a lot of family history through that area.
It was encouraging to go with these guys and I felt very relaxed. I would love to go out with them again, soon. I needed it a lot.
I also have to plug that I'm very excited about Iron Man coming out next year. I probably won't be able to see it in theatres, but I will eventually.