Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The One True King!

I haven't blogged lately because I haven't felt like I needed to. I didn't have peace about writing anyting and everything that's happened since New Years Eve. So I have just been sitting on things and waiting.

Well, one thing I want to share is this:

The Lord is my shepard.

He gently calls me back to the flock when I have escaped among the cliffs and can't find my way back. He celebrates when I return because it makes Him happy that I was found.

Read Mathew 18:10-14 The parable of the lost sheep.

I also want to share that I love my family. I long for them to know the one true king!

I saw "The Chronicles of Narnia" on Friday and wept through most of the film. Mostly because the creatures of narnia worshipped and bowed for Aslan the lion. He is the one true king of Narnia and everyone knows it. Including the witch.

When Edmund is brought back to Aslan's camp, Aslan tells everyone that nobody needs to talk with him about the past. The past no longer matters. Edmund is forgiven. He is so forgiven that Aslan takes his place to be killed by the witch.

No other king would do this for his people!

The sacrifice is incomplete without the resurrection. Aslan returns to life to devour the witch and thus defeats death and breathes life into those who were perishing.

Jesus is, was, and always will be the One True King!

On Friday, I sat in the car, waiting on residents to fill out applications. I was reading Mathew 18:10-14 and it really hit me hard. It was a simple truth that wasn't so simple to get. Later, I watched Narnia and my joy was complete.

My nieces asked me why I would admit to crying during the movie. My friends told them because it was something a man is able to do. I told them because it was so powerful to see Jesus and everyone bowing to Him. I don't care if they saw it as weakness to cry. I think the weakness needed to be shown, so they know the depth of what Jesus has to offer. He is not someone they have just heard about or seen in movies. He is their King. And righlty so, because He loves them and died for them.


Faithful Joy said...


Scott Donnelly said...

Dude... I cry. It's an awesome thing to do. Especially being moved by the thought of someday being before our King!

I miss you guys... can't wait to see you again.

Anonymous said...

I cryed during the movie to, right when they stab him on that tablet.