Hinds Feet
I kept hearing the word "expect" last week as I thought about going to "Desperate". For those of you who don't know, Desperate is a time of refreshing and renewal in the Lord as molds are broken and tradition is not the norm. Sometimes there is music and sometimes there is just prayer. It changes as the spirit moves and I want to thank our Associate Pastor for discerning where the service would go. He just let the Lord move and it was amazing.
God met us and took us to a time of blessing, admonishment, release, and equipping.
I was taken to a few new places I have never experienced before, such as getting a vision. Recently, I was struggling with being quiet before God and learning to discern his voice. As we sat quietly, I was able to see a vision and as others started to share about their prayers or scripture or other visions, my heart started to beat out of my chest. I then shared my vision and it was a blessing to someone.
Later, Aaron, Kelly, Shawna, and I were praying with someone and Aaron said, "Seal it! You're a sealer." I was dumbfounded at first and had to ask for direction as I had never prayed to seal what was being prayed. Aaron and Kelly helped me and I was having trouble speaking. I started to ask God for help and the prayer just started to flow out of me. It was a great experience.
On Sunday, I had a feeling I was going to pray with someone at the end of the service. I knew from the time the person walked in the sanctuary. I waited, though, and second guessed because I am still learning, but finally went up front and prayed with them.
God really met me this weekend. He took me to new places and I followed Him. He gave me Hinds feet.