The Saga Continues...
They already saw the Transformers live action movie a few weeks ago and fell in love with Optimus Prime and showing them the animated Transformers the Movie was a natural progression. As I saw the boys' eyes light up as we talked about Transformers I thought it was a perfect time to show them Star Wars.
I started them out on A New Hope because I was exactly Caden's age (4years old) when I went to the theatre to see it with my family. It was the Loew's Theatre on Henderson Road now replaced by a strip mall.
Caden resisted at first because he really wanted to see Transformers again, but as the movie progressed, he was ready to watch more. He and Ethan asked to watch another Star Wars movie, so we watched The Empire Strikes Back (my all time favorite). We finished Return of the Jedi on Sunday and I think it's safe to say the boys are hooked. Casey isn't sure what to think of it, but I was so giddy with excitement my eyes started to water. I have been waiting for these moments and they were very cool. I knew they would love them and I think I waited long enough to show them.
Little do they know I have a whole box full of 3.5" dolls just waiting to be opened to continue the saga...