Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Triggers to Triumph

I was blessed to have an interesting conversation with a resident today about self fulfilling prophecy. We had much more in common than I expected, which reminded me that I am not very different from them.

Being drummers and christians, we were talking about our musical experiences which lead to me talking about contacting studios to be a musician for hire and how that empowered me to keep pushing myself. This lead to how we have given in to self-defeating behaviors. Like telling myself, "Oh, it won't work out anyway. I might as well give it up." "Nothing good will ever come of it!"

He really identified and stated he knows he has triggers that play into everyday situations. He said he never joined bands that he wishes he would have because of these triggers or feelings.

I like to call them lies!

As he was telling me about his triggers his face turned several shades of red and his voice became softer. He called it out and said even just talking about it makes him nervous and start to have panic attacks. Another way I identified with him.

We have feared the fear.

We then addressed how we have started to overcome these irrational thoughts(lies!!!) by putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations like e-mailing studios, getting in front of 90 people and speaking, playing drums in situations we would have previously been intimidated, etc...

It was uplifting to hear the spirit of triumph. To call those lies out in the open and watch them disappear.