Saturday, May 19, 2007

Burning the Affliction

Well, you probably know what kind plant is featured in this pic.

Yep. I got it.

It's not fun and has become quite painful.

I'm not sure how I got it because I have been doing so much outside.

I planted flowers for Casey on Mother's Day and weeded our flower beds in front of the house. They looked really good until we had rain and now they are infested again. It's just a little frustrating, but I love to work in my beds. Especially when I see the fruit of my labor. Our flowers are in full bloom and our hostas are coming up bigger than when we planted them last year.

Casey and I took the boys to Clifton Gorge last weekend. It's a beautiful place to go hiking and "GET POISON IVY!!!" I don't know for sure , but that is the most likely place. Anyway, Clifton Gorge was a lot of fun and the boys loved it. They like to throw rocks into the river. We walked about a half an hour into the gorge and then the boys started getting tired. So, we went to Young's Dairy and got ice cream, pet cows and goats, and watched jet fighters scream over our heads at a local airport. It was an awesome day. If you get a chance, check out the little town of Yellow Springs. A little lost in the sixties, but quite ecclectic. I bought my djembe there a few years back and Dave Chappell lives there.

No matter where I got this affliction, I am in agony. I bleached the blisters, which has helped, but their not gone yet. I even got it down..... there..... Yep, I bleached it too. Not the most genious plan. I don't think even fire can burn that bad.

So be careful the next time you go hiking or pull something from your flower beds. Wear gloves or use a shovel.

1 comment:

Scott Donnelly said...

Please never speak of bleaching "down there" again... it hurts all of us.