Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Honored and Blessed

Hello again.

I went to the hospital last week to visit my cousin who just had a baby. She and her husband were there having their celebration dinner, the hospital provides, when I showed up with some clothes for their newborn son.

They were happy to see me and right away sprung a question on me that excited and scared me at the same time. They asked me if I would do the honor of facilitating their wedding ceremony.

I am no ordained minister or pastor. I have no experience with this kind of thing, yet they asked me to do it. I don't see myself doing this or that others would either. (Low self-esteem issues)

They are already married, so I don't have to worry about legal issues. Yet, that doesn't help me not feel a little anxiety. What I also feel is peace about it which assures me that God is in it.

So, I said, "yes."

I am very honored and blessed that they thought of me to do this for them. They said they aren't affiliated with a church and don't know any pastors, so I was the next one in line. It just goes to show that you never know when people are watching you or what people are thinking about you.

So, I talked with my pastor about this and he asked me if they want God to bless their union. I need to talk with them and iron out the details. My pastor is going to help me format the ceremony which is very encouraging and my cousin said they want it nice and laid back.

What a blessing this will be!


Aaron said...

Do it brother.

Proud of you.

Faithful Joy said...

How exciting! So glad you were able to stop and share it withusin person! I will say a prayer for ya!

Scott Donnelly said...

Dude! That is awesome... I can't wait to see you guys again!!! Miss you both!