Monday, November 28, 2005

The Family Truckster

On Saturday six Ohioans and one Michigani went up to Detroit in the Snook Family Truckster. We gluttoned ourselves on Bob Evans and Bennigans(great meatloaf) and had an awesome time. We even walked out of a movie that was nothing short of filth.(Ice Harvest - Don't see it!!!)

Also, We went to the mall at Royal Oaks and looked at things far too expensive, and gave each other massages at Brookstone. My wife and I also just had a great time going out as ourselves.

We had a good long talk on the way home after dropping our native off in his homeland about our experiences in our church. Most of us go to the same church, yet our experiences were very different. My wife and I got to see a different perspective and also understand how some things worked.

This was also good because it confirmed that we need to press on and keep learning how to work with the people we go to church, because that is what makes relationship. I also looked at how I don't find it easy to work out my issues with people. Instead of coming to them in truth and love, my wife and I usually "duck and run" from the problem. This has alienated us from being a core family in the church.

I went up front for Ministry on Sunday to receive prayer for this issue.

I replaced Dave as the driver on the way home because he was getting tired. He drove us around all day long and was feeling the pain of trying to stay alert. Later, he woke up with a gasp, thinking he was still driving. His chest was pounding and he was breathing heavy. We all felt so bad for him because we know how it feels. Thank You, God, everything was OK.

Thank You also for getting to talk with our friends. It's been a while since we had a good(God) talk. Thank You for Kelly, who is always understanding and willing to help. Thank You for everyone that went to Detroit with us. I commented to my wife how everybody was a part of things and everybody had a good time. It was very much needed for us. We need to feel like we belong.

I really missed going on trips in the Family Truckster.


Faithful Joy said...

I am so THRILLED that you two got to come to Michigan. I am especially thrilled since it was all a surprise to me!! Thank goodness I made plans to come or I would have missed out big time!

I also wanted to let you know that I am sorry for not making it over Sunday nite. The tree trimming went later than I had expected. I didn't want you to think I didn't want to hang out, because I love your faces! I will wait as long as it takes until I watch 'Raising Arizona' because I want to see it with YOU!!!!!!!!

You and Casey are amazing friends and love you so much!

Scott Donnelly said...

Everyone was in Detroit?!?! Bummer... I wish I could have seen you all... Hope to see you all again soon.