Friday, August 05, 2005

Lazarus Pool

Last night I was treated by my friend Dave Snook to one of the best comic book movie adaptations I've ever seen. Swanger was also with us. I loved every minute of it until I realized Ducard was Ra's Al Ghul. It was a let down only because I know that Ra's Al Ghul was a character bent on power and eternal life. Using what he called a "Lazarus Pool" to rejuvenate his old decaying body into the body of his youth. I wouldn't be surprised if he is resurrected in another movie using this concept. I think I found one of those "Lazarus Pools" today. As I walked into work, one of my residents asked me for a Career Passport. When I returned to him with the passport in hand he told me his father was passing away and he was being discharged early. I then told him about my mother passing away and how it changed my life. I then shared with him that Jesus was talking to me and I committed my life to him. He was very interested, but being pressed for time he had to return to the floor with the other residents. I always feel rejuvenated after sharing my story and Jesus with others. In a way, it's a resurrection of my faith. May we find "Lazarus Pools" to dip into each day. Praise Your name, Lord.


Faithful Joy said...

He deserves the praise, doesn't He? He deserves the time we spend talking about Him, sharing stories about His grace, testifying to His goodness! May we all have more opportunities to share about Jesus!

Faithful Joy said...

Oh yeah, and I LOVE that you loved Batman Begins...our souls connect!!